Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Setting of Geography

My story at the beginning is going to take place in New York City, New York. New York, in population, is the third most popular state, behind Texas and California. It is on the Northeastern side of the United States, and it is on the Atlantic Coast. The city itself has five boroughs. The five boroughs are Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens. It was founded in 1624, and it was called New Amsterdam. It was the capital of the United States from 1785-1790. In 1990 the population of New York City was 7,322,564. The population in 2007 was 8,274,527. Collin Luther Powel is graduating from Morris High School, and he is 17.
The second part of my story will be in the Vietnam War from 1962-1963. The Vietnam War went from 1959-1975. The war was fought between the communist North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by communist allies and South Vietnam was supported by the United States and more member nations of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. Collin Luther Powel will step on a punji stake.
The third part of my story will be in Vietnam a second time, from 1968-1969. Collin Luther Powel will have comrades. One of his comrades will be Joe M. Jackson. They will fight in the war. They will come across Russell R. Widdifield, resting in a field. They will get in a helicopter, they will be injured in a helicopter crash, and he will save his comrades. They will go back to the United States. They will go their separate ways.
The setting of the next part of my story will be them saying goodbye to each other. Collin will go to Washington D.C. to serve as a White House fellowship, Joe will go to serve on Air War College faculty and the pentagon, and Russell will go back to his hometown to live with his family.
New York is different than Vietnam because New York isn't dangerous, wheras Vietnam has an impact on the geography because it is dangerous. It is dangerous because he steps on a punji stake, gets in a helicopter crash, etc...

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