Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Setting of the Mood

The mood of my story will be adventurous. It will be adventurous because at the beginning of the story Collin will be a normal person graduating from high school. Four years later he will head off to fight in the Vietnam War. This will be adventurous because he is traveling to a new place, and he is going to be fighting in a war. My story will also be adventurous because Collin steps on a punji stake. This is adventurous because he has to go from Vietnam, to the United States, then back to Vietnam five years later. My story is then going to be adventurous because they fight in the war, and they get in a helicopter crash. Not only do they get in a helicopter crash, but Collin saves his comrades from the burning helicopter. Collin Powel will receive an MBA, and Joe M. Jackson will receive The Metal of Honor. My story will also be adventurous because they then go back to the United States and go their separate ways. Overall, this story is adventurous because of all of the traveling from one place to another.

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